Day Thirty Eight : Circumscribe - Girl's Night In


1 a : to constrict the range or activity of definitely and clearly
b : to define or mark off carefully
2 a : to draw a line around
b : to surround by or as if by a boundary
3 : to construct or be constructed around (a geometrical figure) so as to touch as many points as possible

Circumscribe has a lot of relatives in English. Its Latin predecessor circumscribere (which roughly translates as "to draw a circle around") derives from circum-, meaning "circle," and scribere, meaning "to write or draw."

I carefully scored the last line of the summoning circle into the hard packed earth with my claw. I sat
back on my hooves and admired the elegant cursive. 

Standing back up, I took a deep breath and began the chant, the nervous twitching of my tail the only
thing that revealed my anxiety.

I finished the chant. For a moment nothing happened and then the lines of my summoning circle began
to glow with a soft blue light that fizzed and filled the circle with what looked like TV static and the
curiously combined smell of strawberry soap and salted fries assaulted my nose. 

The static faded away and left a young...person in the centre. My shoulders slumped. My summoning
had failed - instead it had brought to me some strange rabbit creature. 

The head of the rabbit fell off, revealing - a further head! I squinted closer - no wait! The summoning
had worked! What I had taken for a deformed rabbit was actually the skin of one! Which meant the
person I'd actually summoned was wearing one of those bizarre outfits we had discussed previously
in humanities, a onesie! 

I’d done it! I’d successfully summoned a human! 

I was definitely getting credit in class for this.

The young human was looking around, dazed. She (I assumed it was a she due to the long hair and
petite build - although my teacher had always warned us not to make assumptions as in every cycle
of human history you tended to get eras where the lines between genders blurred and this blurring had
become much more prevalent in the current century.) was clutching a small black plaque to her chest.
My tail twitched excitedly. This must be her magic portal, the device which 90% of humans used to
access the huge arcana of collective human knowledge and wisdom. 

It was too bad that they didn’t work down here I thought to myself ruefully. I was certain that we would
learn a lot more about humanity if only we had access to the Google Grimoire. 

The human (probably) girl was looking about her, at the ground, the sky, behind her, bemused. She
then turned and caught sight of me. 

I tried a reassuring smile. 

She screamed. 

After a while, I had to turn the sound cancelling ward on, so that her seemingly endless shrieks didn’t
piss off the neighbours. Our neighbours were grouchy at the best of times and mum had said that if
they complained to her one more time about how loud my music was, she’d ground me for a year. 

I’d hate having to walk everywhere - it’d double the time for my commute to school for a start.

Eventually, the human girl seemed to run out of breath. As she collapsed onto her knees, panting
heavily, I lowered the sound cancelling shield. 

“De, demon,” she managed to gasp out, pointing a trembling hand at me. 

I clapped my hands together in delight. “Exactly! So it is just a rumour that humanity is ignorant of the
multi dimensionality of the universe? I mean, everyone says you’re slow and uncultured savages but
I've always thought that seemed to harsh. I mean, you come up with such cute trinkets and um,
innovative creations. I mean, yeah, you’re still way behind the rest of the multiverse but we can see
you’re trying hard.”

I paused for thought. “Although, global warming and pollution, you guys might want to get a handle on
that and soon cause you guys really don’t have a decent plan B in place and that’s just obviously not
going to end well. Also, war. Doesn’t seem like the greatest hobby but you guys just seem so
enthusiastic about it. What are your thoughts on that?”

I held up my recording device eagerly. She stared at it.

“Oops, sorry! I guess I should have asked first. You don’t mind if I record our little tete a tete do you?
It’d help so much with my final project, being able to produce sold research and evidence, that I’m
sure to get a good grade. I mean, i really need this grade as, uh, I’m kind of bombing all my other
subjects and, to be honest, my mum terrifies me and the thought of failing this class as well on my
report card and showing it to her actually makes me feel like I'm going to wet myself.”

Hmmm, perhaps that was a little bit too much oversharing.

She stared at me a while longer, then said;
“So let me get this straight. You, a demon, summoned me, a perfectly innocent human bystander, to
Hell to help you with your homework?”


“Since when do demons even get homework?”

“Uh, since always?” i responded, surprised at the ignorance of her question. “A good education is a
solid investment and an excellent foundation for any path you may wish to take in the future. Since
when is learning and expanding your knowledge base a waste of time?”

She blinked. “Ok, when you put it like that - but what do you even study? Torture techniques?” she
wrapped her arms about her protectively.

“What?!” I shrieked. “Why on earth would I study something barbaric like that?”

“Because don’t you spend eternity punishing the souls of sinners?” she snapped back, clearly startled
by my reaction. 

I blinked at her. “Do you know what? I take back what I said earlier.” I said in a monotone. “Clearly,
humans are just as weird as I've heard. In fact, if they’re all like you, then I think you’re all seriously
mental and you, as an entire species, should seriously consider psychiatric help.”

She flushed. “There’s no need to be rude.”

“Lady, you just accused me of being the kind of weirdo who devotes their life to some sort of
necrophiliac S&M play.”

“Hey, you’re the one who had literally just kidnapped me out of my own bedroom, without so much as
a by your leave, just as I was getting ready for bed.” She argued. “As of right now, you look exactly like
some sort of pervert.”

I hated to admit it, but she kinda had a point. But it’s not like a summoning circle came with ready made invitations!

“Sorry.” I said begrudgingly. “But seriously, why would you think demons torture humans?”

She hesitated then said, “It’s what’s in the bible.”

I brightened. “Oh that’s your origin myth isn’t it? Now i get it. I’ve often found it fascinating how you
seem to be able to quite happily believe such contradicting stories. Do you separate your brain
somehow to balance it out?”

“Why would i?” she stopped and put her head in her hands. “Nope, nope, no. I am not discussing
theology with a demon right now while i’m in my rabbit onesie. Just not going to happen. I just want to
go home.” She stiffened and raised her head, fixing me with a glare. “You can send me home right?”

“Of course I can.” I reassured her. “Anytime. But, um, are you really not going to help me with my home

I gave her my best gremlin eyes.

“And what will you give me in return?” she demanded. “Riches? Eternal youth? The heads of my

I blinked. “Wow, you humans are…..extreme. You remember the bit where I said I was still in school
right? So riches are definitely out. Eternal youth? Yeah, we don’t have that here? I didn’t know earth

“If earth had a technique for eternal youth, would I be asking you for it now?” She rolled her eyes. “Even
if you’re broke, you could still bring me the heads of my enemies, chopping someone’s head off doesn’t
take money.”

“Why are you so violent?” I asked, horrified. “Murder is a crime you know!” 

She looked at the floor, her cheeks flushing a little red. “I know.” she mumbled, looking a bit downcast. 

I started to feel guilty. Really, I should have thought of having something to offer her in exchange from
being dragged from her own dimension into a completely new and alien one. 

“I could, um, help you with your homework?” I offered, mentally grasping for something. “Or, or i have
lots of demon dramas saved on Helkixs which we could watch together if you’re interested?”

“Helkixs?”she asked.

“It’s got lots of different TV shows and films and stuff. I’m sure there’s something on there you might
like? And i have snacks in the kitchen? Or, um, i could get takeout?”

She let out a snort of amusement at my obvious panic. “Sure, whatever. I’ll help you with your homework.
It’s Saturday tomorrow anyway and I don't have anything planned. Let’s have a demon sleepover, why

“Wow! This is going to be so much fun!” I bounced up and dashed off to get some snacks.

Behind me, I could hear the human girl chuckling to herself, sounding only slightly deranged as she said
to herself, “Mum must have been right when she said eating cheese too late at night gave you whacked
out dreams. No more late night pizza for me. Ever.”

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Day Eighty Seven : Expunge

Expunge Definition 1 :  to strike out, obliterate, or mark for deletion 2 :  to  efface  completely  :   destroy 3 :  to eliminate ...